Here We Go!

I never thought I would live to see myself blogging. Having toyed with the idea some years back and getting cold feet, I discarded it. I was not prepared to put myself out there. Added to that, I felt that no one would be interested in what I had to say. I even convinced myself that blogging was for young people who had the know how on all things techno. Fast forward to 2020 where I am locked down at home because of the Covid-19 pandemic and armed with some decent knowledge on blogging, I now have my own blog site! The domain hosts will congratulate you and tell you that you now own a piece of the internet! Wow! Isn’t that cool for starters? Anyway I am proud to say I now have a voice on the internet, my own voice. I have so much to say about issues I am passionate about.

I would describe myself as a generally introverted person. Someone once told me that I did not possess a wide range of vocabulary. That comment actually left me speechless. I decided not to take the bait and belabour the point. Sounds like an introvert doesn’t it? I could also have chosen to feel insulted by the description had I chosen to interpret it as saying that I am dull or boring. I take comfort in that I do possess a colourful vocabulary in my mind even though I may not vocalise it. I have therefore chosen my writing to do the speaking for me.

And so dear reader, enjoy!