About Me

Jesirina Changamire

I am married and mother to two beautiful young adults. They claim that they are “adulting”! Buzzword I guess.

I am a qualified Systemic Therapist with more than 13 years of experience, a trainer in Professional Counselling and facilitator in Communication Skills and Team building. In counselling, my areas of interest are Crisis counselling and Trauma therapy.

The year 2008 saw Zimbabwe entering a state of violent political crisis. For the following 3 years I worked with individuals and families that had fallen victim to political violence. I offered Trauma therapy in cases of torture, mutilations, rape and those that had lost their loved ones. Through therapy I witnessed individuals making the shift from a victim mentality to being survivors thereby reclaiming power and control over their lives. This was an eye opening and yet humbling experience. I guess that is what shaped my interest.

While I have dealt with a wide range of life challenges in counselling sessions, I have also had my moments of vulnerability. The blessing of being human is in falling so hard, and then finding ways of rising above the challenges. Currently the Coronavirus pandemic poses a threat to our health and lives. Sadly no one is immune to the virus. This is a stressful and traumatising time for everyone and yet we need not perceive ourselves as helpless and hopeless.

I am a fitness enthusiast. I have been exercising for the past 7 years and enjoy walking, jogging and skipping rope. Before that, I hated exercising. I love running marathons and collecting medals not because I am the fastest but for completing the course. As a result I have become a mentor of sorts to family members and friends who want to embark on their fitness journey. What gives me great pleasure is that happiness they feel when changes happen. Not just physical changes but emotional, spiritual and social. I have also been on that journey.

The disharmony between our emotional, physical, social and spiritual states can prevent us from living fulfilling lives. It keeps us in that vicious cycle of helplessness and despair and prevents us from bouncing back when faced with difficult situations. This site is about aligning these states so that we can shift from helplessness to hope and power over our lives. It is also about the power of choice and being at peace with the choices we make. Such is the pursuit of Wellness.

My motto for Wellness is: Prayer. Meditation. Exercise. Water. Laughter. More laughter. Love. Learn.


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